


Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Poodle is commonly acknowledged to be the most wisely intelligent of all members of the canine race. There is a general belief that he is a fop, whose time is largely occupied in personal embellishment, and that he requires a great deal of individual attention in the matter of his toilet. It may be true that to keep him in exhibition order and perfect cleanliness his owner has need to devote more consideration to him than is necessary in the case of many breeds; but in other respects he gives very little trouble, and all who are attached to him are consistent in their opinion that there is no dog so intensely interesting and responsive as a companion. His qualities of mind and his acute powers of reasoning are indeed so great that there is something almost human in his attractiveness and his devotion. His aptitude in learning is never denied, and many are the stories told of his marvellous talent and versatility. Not merely as a showman's dog has he distinguished himself. He is something more than a mountebank of the booths, trained to walk the tight rope and stand on his head. He is an adept at performing tricks, but it is his alertness of brain that places him apart from other animals. The profuse and long coat of this dog has the peculiarity that if not kept constantly brushed out it twists up into little cords which increase in length as the new hair grows and clings about it. The unshed old hair and the new growth entwined together thus become distinct rope-like cords. Eventually, if these cords are not cut short, or accidentally torn off, they drag along the ground, and so prevent the poor animal from moving with any degree of comfort or freedom. Corded Poodles are very showy, and from the remarkable appearance of the coat, attract a great deal of public attention when exhibited at shows; but they have lost popularity among most fanciers, and have become few in number owing to the obvious fact that it is impossible to make pets of them or keep them in the house. The reason of this is that the coat must, from time to time, be oiled in order to keep the cords supple and prevent them from snapping, and, of course, as their coats cannot be brushed, the only way of keeping the dog clean is to wash him, which with a corded Poodle is a lengthy and laborious process. Further, the coat takes hours to dry, and unless the newly washed dog be kept in a warm room he is very liable to catch cold. The result is, that the coats of corded Poodles are almost invariably dirty, and somewhat smelly. Poodle's General appearance --------------------------- Head: Long, straight, and fine, the skull not broad, with a slight peak at the back. Muzzle: Long (but not snipy) and strong not full in cheek; teeth white, strong, and level; gums black, lips black and not showing lippiness. Eyes: Almond shaped, very dark, full of fire and intelligence. Nose: Black and sharp. Ears: The leather long and wide, low set on, hanging close to the face. Neck: Well proportioned and strong, to admit of the head being carried high and with dignity. Feet: Rather small, and of good shape, the toes well arched, pads thick and hard. Legs: Fore-legs set straight from shoulder, with plenty of bone and muscle. Hind-legs: Very muscular and well bent, with the hocks well let down. Tail: Set on rather high, well carried, never curled or carried over back. Coat: Very profuse, and of good hard texture; if corded, hanging in tight, even cords; if non-corded, very thick and strong, of even length, the curls close and thick, without knots or cords.

Medical Problems Of Golden Retrievers

Epilepsy Also known as seizures, epilepsy disorders normally occur from viral infections, and environmental factors as well. Even though an inaccessible seizure isn’t always a problem, dogs that have recurring seizures should never be bred. Vets can recommend medicines that control recurring seizures, although medicine isn’t always effective. Although epilepsy doesn’t affect the health of a Golden Retriever, it does have an effect on breeding. You can never tell if it is indeed heredity, therefore breeding is pretty much out of the question - to avoid passing it on to the litter. Skin allergies Skin allergy is the most common medical issue with Golden Retrievers. Skin allergy is normally the result of allergens such as flea bites, dust, airborne pollen, food, and even mold. Symptoms will vary, although they can include bits, scratching, licking, and even ear infections. Diet is extremely important here, as it can help to prevent a lot of these problems. If you consult with your vet, you can more than likely eliminate the risks your pet has of getting a skin allergy. Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is a condition that causes the thyroid gland to malfunction. Golden Retrievers that are affected by this disease will normally show such symptoms as coat problems or obesity. This medical problem can also result in a lack of fertility as well. A lack of fertility can be a big problem for breeders, as it makes it very hard for the affected Golden Retriever to breed. The treatment of hypothyroidism involves taking the oral supplement for hypothyroidism on a daily basis. Once it has been treated successfully, the prognosis will appear to be normal and dog will have a normal, healthy life span, providing there are no other medical problems. This condition is somewhat common with Golden Retrievers, and can be diagnosed by your vet. Some Golden’s who suffer from hypothyroid problems will have seizures, although this will stop once they go on the oral treatment medicine. Even though the hypothyroid condition isn’t associated with epilepsy, you should monitor your dog to be on the safe side. You don’t want to take any chances with your dog coming down with epilepsy, which is why you should always have your vet do routine checks. Even though medical problems are somewhat common with Golden Retrievers, you can help to prevent them by making sure your dog is healthy. If you do your part and make sure that you treat your Golden well, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Golden Retrievers are generally healthy dogs, although they can get ill from time to time. If you take your dog to the vet and get him treated as soon as he gets sick - he’ll be better and back to his normal self in no time at all.

Tips For Training Your Golden

Although there are many training tips for Golden Retrievers, teeth is the most common. Golden puppies love to chew, and will chew anything they can get. Although chew toys are preferred, there is a way that you can help your Golden fulfill his natural instinct to chew, and help him to ease the pain of teething as well. To start, simply fill an old sock you have with several ice cubes. Next, put a knot in the sock and place the sock with the cubes in the freezer. When your puppy starts to chew on things, simply give him the sock. You can keep several socks with ice in it in your freezer if you want, so your puppy will always have a chew toy. Although this is great to use, you should never leave your dog alone with the sock. He could end up chewing the sock and swallowing pieces of it, which could lead to very serious health problems. Leashes During leash training, a lot of people prefer to attach the leash to the Golden then drag him in the direction they want him to go. This isn’t the best way to train, as it often sends the wrong signal to the puppy. Instead, you should first get your Golden puppy used to the collar and the leash. You can do this by putting his collar and leash on inside the house or outside in a fenced in area, so that he can walk around and move about freely with the leash on, dragging it alongside him. Once you have given him some time, pick the leash up, then start calling him to you. Once he comes over to you, start praising him for it, so he knows that he is on the right track. Always be patient when leash training, as it will take some time for him to get used to it. If you continue to praise him when he is doing it right and continue giving him time to get used to the leash, you shouldn’t have any problems. Digging around Digging is something that Golden Retrievers love, as it is essential to their nature. Digging can be somewhat frustrating if you don’t give your Golden an area to himself, as he will dig holes in your yard. If you keep your Golden indoors, he may try to dig in the floor, on the couch, or on the bed. Digging is part of their nature, and you should never punish a Golden for digging. To help him fill this need, you should give him an area to dig in. You can get him a kiddie pool or sandbox, filling it with either soil or sand. Then, try burying a treat or toy in inside, so your Golden will dig to get it out. Once he learns this is where he should dig, he will more than likely head to that area when he has the need to dig. Later on, when he becomes a bit older, you should invest in obedience training classes that will help him to get his digging habits under control. The above tips can help a great deal when training your Golden Retriever puppy. Golden’s are great dogs, although you’ll need to have a bit of patience with them. Even though they are very smart dogs, it may take them time to learn. Once they start learning however - they will become an integral part of your family that you couldn’t begin to live without.

Caring for Your Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Pet Dog

Friday, October 24, 2014

The soft coated wheaten terrier would be considered by most people to be “high maintenance”. This means that a lot of care should be given to it in order to maintain its stature. This statement also means that a lot of steps should be taken in order to care for the dog properly. So how do you care for your soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog? Let us first talk about the coat. This is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of a soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog. In fact, when you take a look at the name, you will realize that the coat gives the dog its identity. Taking care of this essential part of the soft coated wheaten terrier dog can be quite a daunting task. This is especially true if you have just found out about the various standards that people use to judge the beauty of a soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog. Frequent grooming is required to keep the coat shiny and to prevent matting. It also helps get rid of any accumulated dirt. You should comb or brush your soft coated wheaten terrier dog everyday to make sure that his coat remains silky and tangle-free. The coat also needs to be trimmed once in a while to preserve the “terrier look” and to allow a new coat to grow. Besides the coat, you should also take care of the nails and teeth of your soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog. In case that you do not know what to do by yourself, you might want to hire some professional dog grooming services to do the job for you. Another aspect you should concentrate on is the training. Remember to train your soft coated wheaten terrier dog as early as possible in order to ingrain in him the basics of proper behavior. There are several keywords that should come to your mind when training your soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog: 1) Consistency – be consistent with your teaching. Do not use different commands in order to get the same response as this will only serve to confuse your soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog. You should also be consistent in terms of reward and punishment. This will help your dog understand what you want to happen. 2) Tone – a soft coated wheaten terrier dog is actually pretty sensitive to the tones in the human voice. This means that the dog will be able to tell if you are feeling upset or if you are feeling impatient. You need to learn how to moderate your tone in order to avoid confusion with your soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog. 3) Timing –learn the proper timing of when to correct your soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog. The element you need during correction is surprise. You need to correct the soft coated wheaten terrier for a mistake right after or even before it performs the act. This way, you will be able to instill a sense of consequence into your soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog. Caring and training for your soft coated wheaten terrier can be quite a bit of work. You will also have to contend with the energy inherent in every terrier breed. However, with patience, your efforts will be rewarded.

Choosing The Right Pet For You

Most individuals have an idea just what type of pet they want; however, the maintenance of a pet can cause some concern. Knowing how to choose the correct pet for you may be easy. You may have had several pets as a child and know you need a companion for your own home or you may have always wanted a pet but been told you could not have one. Whatever the case you may need to take into consideration some key points to pet care when deciding what pet is right for you. First some pets take more care than others. Dogs are very needy animals. They are very sensitive towards their owners. I am sure most of you have heard of dogs tearing up a house when left along all day. Dogs can get bored even when they have other dog companions and toys. They need the human interaction. Most dog owners take their dogs out for a walk before work and after work for the exercise and play time. Other owners who work outside will often let their dogs come to work with them to keep them out of trouble. Cats on the other hand can amuse themselves and as long as you put your valuables on a shelf, they cannot reach and keep a clean house they will sleep, look out windows, and play with toys while you are away. Fish are another type of pet that is typically low maintenance except for cleaning the fish tank. Pet care is very important when you own a pet. They need attention from their owners, positive reinforcement, training, and love. Fish are usually excluded from this statement, as they just need food, proper tank maintenance, and a few plants to sustain life, however the point is proper pet care is required when you own any pet. The decision will be yours to make in choosing what the right pet is for you. Above I mentioned three types of pets and little about their care, now I am going to look at it a little more. While dogs are high maintenance and require the most training they are also one of the best pets to own. They can alert you to danger, alert you to someone at the door, and give unconditional love back. A dog only asks in return for proper care and a great deal of attention. If you cannot be home all the time, you will want to make sure the dog has a roof over their heads in case of inclement weather, and a huge yard to play in. Some dogs can jump fences so it may be best to have a dog run in the yard so they can move about, but not escape. Cats on the other hand can be high or low maintenance depending on breed as well as personality. Some cats require hours of people attention while others shirk attention. Some cats belong to a one pet household. They do not like to share their owner’s affections and will become upset if not mean towards the infiltrator. Others need the playmate’s attention to live happily. It will be hard to determine just which type of cat you own when you first buy them as kittens as their personalities are just developing. Pet care is the most important factor when you are deciding which pet is right for you and your home. You will want to consider all the pet care needs of the animals you are looking at as well as the breed you are looking at to determine if they will have a happy place in your home.

Dangerous Dog Treats: What To Understand Before You Treat Your Pup

What pooch does not love getting a treat or two now and then. Dog owners also love giving their dog’s treats. If you have a dog, then you have a good idea of what your dog likes to nibble on. There are so many treats available these days and they all come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and consistencies. For every great dog treat, there are those on the market that are not so good. These treats can harm your pet by being lodged in your dog’s throat or intestines. This can cause choking or worse. If you love treating your canine friend, then you will want to be aware of those treats that can be potentially harmful. Even with treats that are not usually dangerous, you need to supervise your dog when they eat. Greenies: Most dogs really enjoy these treats. They are advertised as a treats that help clean your dog’s teeth. However, you need to be aware that “greenies” can cause choking. This is because dogs eat these very quickly causes large chunks to lodge in the throat. Young puppies should not eat this treat and dogs that are prone to “scarfing” food. If your dog eats these treats, be aware of potential vomiting, bloody stools, and difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms after your dog has eaten this treat, seek medical attention. Rawhide Chews: What dog does not love snacking on these chewy treats? Rawhides are good because it cleans your dog’s teeth and keeps your dog occupied. However, rawhides are dangerous, as well. Some rawhides that originate outside of the United States may actually be preserved with arsenic-based chemicals that will be ingested by your doggie when he or she chews. For this reason, make certain that any rawhide treat you purchase is processed in the United States where this preservative is forbidden. If you cannot tell where a treat originated do not buy it! In addition, you still need to watch your dog when he her she is munching on rawhides to help prevent choking. Make sure you buy rawhides that are the right size for your dog, too. A small dog needs the smaller sized rawhide treats. Chocolate: Chocolate is a terrible thing to allow dogs to eat. Of course, sometimes dogs get into candy and cake without your knowledge. Chocolate is toxic to both dogs and cats, so you need to be aware of your dog sneaking chocolate nibbles, especially around the holidays. Chocolate contains an ingredient called theobromine. This acts in the canine about the same way caffeine acts in the human. A little will make the doggie hyperactive, but a huge dose may be fatal. If your dog has gotten into chocolate, you need to look for vomiting, shallow breathing, and irregular heartbeat. A visit to the emergency vet unusually results. Bones: It seems that it is the right of every dog to be able to crunch on a real bone from time to time. Dogs love bones of all types. However, some bones can be dangerous. Both chicken and turkey bones are especially dangerous because they are brittle. When your dog chews on the, they can easily splinter and cause choking. Some pork and beef bones can also cause the same problem. Veterinarians agree that the one of the safest bones you can give your dog is a shinbone. If you must give your dog a bone, make sure you supervise your pooch and if he or she shows signs of bleeding, then you should call your vet immediately for some advice. This is not to say that you cannot give your dog an occasional treat. That is one of the fun parts of owning a dog. You do need to watch your dog and make sure that your dog is safe when snacking. Always pay attention to what kind of treat you give your dog in case of a recall.

Easy Methods to Treat Dog Arthritis Pain

Thursday, October 23, 2014

In degenerative arthritis, cartilage within the joints had been worn away from harm, over exercise or customary wear and tear related to the aging course of. It can also be due to the genetic illness hip dysplasia which leads to ligaments in the joints changing into loose and strange construction of the joints. Osteochondritis Dissecan occurs when bone development has develop into disturbed leading to cartilage ‘flaps.’ Inflammatory joint illness contains rheumatoid arthritis and is as a result of an infection. it is due to the the immune machine attacking the joints. As cartilage aids the mobility between joints, degradation of cartilage may end up in bones turning into uncovered leading to inflammation and canine arthritis ache as well as diminished mobility. In can subsequently affect the overall high quality of lifestyles inside your pet.

signs of canine arthritis pain embrace adjustments to your canine’s mobility, symptoms of lameness, reluctance to be touched, issue mountaineering stairs, stiffness, lack of appetite, lethargy and adjustments in personality equivalent to irritability or aggression. They may also lick or chew the affected space. chubby, larger and inactive canine are more vulnerable to arthritis. similarly it\'s frequently associated with older canines that have experienced extra put on and tear right through their lifespan. dogs that have the genetic disease corresponding to hip dysplasia or experienced harm throughout their existence may also be more inclined because of the weak spot of joints and predisposition to joint degeneration.

Your veterinarian will carry out complete diagnostic tests to decide the reason for dog arthritis pain. Degenerative joint illness will also be avoided via surgical procedure, alternatively your veterinarian could prescribe pain relievers, anti inflammatory drugs equivalent to Rimadyl or Adequen and recommend addressing the illness thru exercise and weight loss plan. rest can also be essential to allow joints time to heal and to scale back further wear and tear. applicable remedies will likely be instructed for arthritis associated with auto-immune disease. As anti-inflammatory drugs typically provide short term aid and can also be related to many side effects, pet house owners may make a choice to make use of pure different such as dog joint supplements which include joint particular substances similar to glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM. These can frequently be used in conjunction with NSAIDS and may cut back the necessity for long run use of those medications. additionally they offer a preventative measure to help your canine avoid developing joint issues someday. along with these treatments, household changes can help to toughen your canine’s joints and alleviate dog arthritis pain akin to harnesses, ramps and orthopedic beds which assist to cushion your canine’s joints right through sleep.

Maintaining Dog's While Winter

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Winter Season can bring cold temperatures, extremes in weather and can make it difficult for you to maintain daily outdoor exercise with your dog. Finding ways to keep your dog active during the winter months is therefore very important to ensure they remain healthy.

For extremely cold weather, it is important to keep your dog inside, and avoid long walks. Dogs can be prone to frostbite or hypothermia, and very cold temperatures should be avoided. Here, exercise around the home should be encouraged. Your dog may be wary to going to the toilet outside during extreme cold, particularly if they are puppies. Pet owners may choose to use newspaper or crate toilet training for the winter months until the weather becomes warmer.

When weather permits, continuing to maintain short daily walks can be helped with the appropriate preparations. Pet owners may consider using pet coats or booties to help provide warmth and protect their pets from the snow whilst outside exercising. This is particularly important for smaller dogs, short haired breeds, older dogs, or ill dogs that may not have as much body fat to insulate them. It is important to ensure your dog is leashed during winter months, as the cold weather can often lead your dog to lose its sense of smell, making it easy for them to become lost, particularly during snowy months when the landscape can look unfamiliar.

Alternate Choice and Holistic Approach To Dog Health

Surely serious health conditions such as tumors or diabetes, prescription medications together with surgery is a very important area of treatment. However , increasingly animal lovers are turning to alternative together with holistic approaches as rebel ? go against sb/sth ? disobey to Western medicine. Far east medicine provides alternative therapeutic techniques, and can be used to product prescription medications. They can help reduce the call to use such medications intended for long term or for slight conditions, or can even allow you to avoid the use of these prescription medication altogether. It is very important that pet lovers and owners discuss these uses of different approaches with their veterinarian before commencing treatment. When looking for a veterinarian who have supports the use of holistic strategies, the AHVMA (America Healthy Veterinary Medical Association) gives a list of members in your area.

An alternative approach to your dog’s health being takes into consideration all feature s of your dog’s lifestyle in order to help address health concerns. For example , behavior modification, of which uses the principles of the discipline of applied behavior researching,

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